The Optimum vitamins that a man could need
Opti-Men from ON, features an array of vital minerals and essential vitamins that are specifically beneficial to men.
If humans are to perform at their optimum level, then they must consume a wide mix of essential goodness; in the form of nutrients. For bodybuilders and athletes, this need is even more essential. If we have a deficiency in just a single one of these vitamins or minerals, then the metabolic pathways that produce the aforementioned efficiency can decline. This isn’t good news for athletes.
But with daily supplementation of multivitamins and minerals formulas, you can ensure the presence of the right nutrients, and continue to perform at your scientific and evolutionary optimum.
Every single vitamin is responsible for several thousand biochemical reactions. This includes the formation of hormones. And that means it is essential to use products like Opti-Men in order to reach, and stay at the peak of your potential.